The initial version of the website for the Epic of Old is now online. You can find it here:
It is still a work in progress overall. Some of the pictures will need to be updated when I complete them (like the world map), and some of the text will likely need to be edited, especially if I change a synopsis for one of the books. There are also no links to any ebook distributors since the books are not published yet. I suspect all of these updates will be complete by next month.
Editing for the last three books is practically done. I've also gotten some feedback from beta readers for the first book and made some good changes. The chapters have been reorganized a bit so that the poetry is not so jarring by making sure it is at the beginning or end of a chapter. Naturally, this cannot always be the case, especially for the other stories, but it is better. There were also two sections where dialogue was turned into poetry and I turned it into normal dialog. This was when Helskor encounters Solomon in the beginning and when Helskor and Rhinesvelt meet at the end of the book. Doing that alone appears to improve the look of the book considerably.
For book 2, I still want to add a scene near the end with Frederik. In book 3, I need to increase the length of Philos's encounter with Helskor and I also want to write a new scene with Nezbaerth and Cyfel meeting up in the world of dreams. This would be a good way to further reduce the narration in one section while also showing natural progression of the characters. The setting should also prove interesting.