Sunday, September 3, 2017

Personal edits are done

I spent most of the day on further editing, writing a new scene and checking off items I had wanted to address in books 3 and 6. I am waiting to get some feedback for the last book as well as the first two, but all of the items I had wanted to change have been adjusted. The main task now is formatting. I'm still having trouble adjusting how the pictures are represented in the MOBI file. Heck, adding them correctly was a big enough problem. Point is, they shrink in size when being uploaded, so there is some kind of parameter or option I need to fiddle with.

There is also a spacing issue in some areas where it will look like I indented a paragraph twice instead of once even though it looks fine in the Word document. Either I need to comb through the demo version of each draft on Amazon, or I have to figure out a way to show where these spacing issues are turning up. I've dealt with this before years ago and I'll deal with it again.

Finally, I had a change in titles. The Planet of Whispering strife will become The World of Whispering Strife. Likewise, The Architect of Celestial Sight will now become The Surveyor of Celestial Sight. Both of these changes appear to make the titles easier to say, which is likely more important than my individual preference. I also thought about changing book 2 to The Astral Architect, but I thought it better to have the name style similar to the first story, especially since the first two books function as the same story told through differing perspectives.

I might even change the title of the sixth book as well, even though it relates to the ending of the story. The Promise of Tomorrow just doesn't seem to communicate a strong message on its own, nor does it seem to match the theme of the cover I made. Something like The Final Judgement, or New Exodus, or The Days of Tomorrow seem to paint a better picture. Seems I still have some thinking to do.