Monday, August 7, 2017

New Chapter

A few days ago I finished one of the two new chapters of book three. The other chapter I am working on is half complete. I know the gist of the last scene I need to write, but I do not have all of the details worked out yet. I will probably complete it in the next day or two. Meanwhile, I am still working on the world map. Though I have a glimpse of the world map on the cover of book four, I still wish to provide larger pictures of the continents where they are useful. A map of Hlendvlask should be in book one, Skiven in book three, and Aglodon in book five. I am not sure if these will only include the physical features or the states and countries as well. I also have to figure out how to best share the colored world map when it is complete, though I could just provide this in the Appendix of book one.

I am also looking at my different publishing options outside of Amazon, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and possibly eSentral. One or two of these outlets will be reached through smashwords, but I intend to oversee most of the file conversion and distribution myself. There is also the question of whether to get ISBN's for each of the books and also whether I should get a copyright filed. All of that is rather expensive, but can be beneficial. ISBN's make the books more official and easier to find, but I also have to use new ones whenever a new edition of the book is created, which means I have to avoid editing these later on. Even if there was nothing to fix, there could easily be new information in the appendix for me to add or some kind of new picture. I have to make sure everything is truly done if I am to go that route.