Tuesday, July 18, 2017

New Scenes and Pics

The primary goal now is to add more content to book three, as this is currently the shortest story. I plan to add an extra chapter that will hold at least two scenes in it (wrote the first half already), but there are a few more things to add elsewhere in the book. Overall, I need certain characters to play a greater role in the story so they are not forgettable, even if they may play a part in the fifth book. I face the same problem in book one with two characters, but have yet to think of a way to add more sections for them. All it would serve to do is eliminate exposition in a later segment.

As for book five, Cyfel's journey across Skiven appeared almost pointless to me. It is almost to the point where it could be eliminated completely because it doesn't really serve to add tension to the story. So I am rewriting a chapter that highlights this character, but have yet to figure out everything that happens. Right now, the additions to book 3 come easier.

The main thing I have been focusing on instead of writing is creating pictures for the books. I plan to have 3-5 pictures in the stories except for book 4 (which is a journal of sorts). Included in those are pictures of places and events important to the story, which include Rhinesvelt and Helskor as well. I have a pretty detailed image of Helskor that sets the stage for his devilish nature, though I am a bit worried that it does not communicate the fact that his form can easily change shape. A minor inconvenience, though. Rhinesvelt is in more images, but they are less revealing. I may yet produce a clear image of him, but that would find its home in the final book.