Sunday, May 6, 2018

New Format

I'm still waiting for beta reader feedback for Omen of the Ancient, but what I'm hearing in just the beginning is basically what I feared: the inclusion of the poetry interrupts the flow of the story. While I can't do too much to fix this, I have reviewed all of the poems in both Omen of the Ancient and Plight of the Gods, and removed/altered what I thought was more or less unnecessary. I only scrapped three so far (going by memory), but it should be a slight improvement nonetheless. I'm also adjusting the formatting of all of the poems so that they don't have titles, they are all italicized, and they will have a center alignment on the page. This should improve the way it looks immensely, and the titles for the poems are still going to be presented in the anthology. I'm also attempting to alter how the stanzas work in a few of them so that more text can fit on the page at once, making it seem like the poetry is shorter. This isn't always possible, but some were formatted to be shorter. I still have 2 more books to go through for this process, but I suspect I'll finish this work today.