Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Misc. Info After Publishing

I'm using this blog once again now that I have started publishing for the first time. The blog will mainly be used to provide updates to those who are interested in the eBooks I am writing. If there are any readers that want to ask questions or make comments, go right ahead. Onto the updates.

The Appendices in Part Three will be expanded soon. I noticed one or two topics that I left out before, so I am currently fixing this issue. The main problem is having Jielgrulf mention the Permaforge of Keilruuni and then not describing what it is later. This is a bit confusing if there is no context for it.

 Part Four is currently being written, although it is going a bit slowly. I have a few long poems and a growing outline for the story, but there is still much to work on. This book will focus on the time right after Part Three, but before chapter 5 when time is accelerated. The story will be centered mainly on what goes on in Aglondon, although Hlendvlask will be involved as well. There are also more clues as to what went on during Rhinesvelt's arrival and this chapter should contain the very first Day of Whispers. Remember that the gods did not directly clash in the previous book, so we still have that to look forward to. 

I am in the process of creating a map so that it is easier to imagine what the world is like. 

I think it is obvious that Part One feels too short. I actually added on to the story before publishing because I did not want to rip people off with too little content (I originally wanted to make Part One free, but the minimum price was 99 cents). I feel like I still haven't added enough, so there may come a time when Part One gets a big update.