Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Epic of Old and the World of Dreams

Many of my friends have read the epic that I wrote in the late fall. It was eleven pages and was a gripping fantasy story with a sci-fi twist. It contained several pieces of poetry and dialog, each connected by a paragraph of story in italics. I am currently writing a part two, except this will have more sci-fi than the previous work which was mainly fantasy. The thing with the epic though is that the ending changes your understanding of the whole story. Once you get to the end, you can read the story once more with an entirely new perspective.

I don't intend to go with this approach in my next work. The story will be far more descriptive and about as long as the poetry. The intro is close to a page and explains much. There is less room for interpretation in the story, but there is room for imagination when reading about the new realm of dreams I wish to portray. I believe right now, I will have two or three long sections of story with a mixed collection of poems and dialog. The story will put things in a pseudo-scientific perspective as the mix of poetry takes a different approach. I'm going to put together the lore of Hlendvlask concerning this new realm. It will be from the point of view of the humans who inhabit the planet. There will be at least two new characters. There is the Grand Surveyor of Dreams who is basically the god of that realm. Then there will be a philosopher who attempts to unravel the mysteries of the place as he quests to discover the "fountain of knowledge". I haven't named him yet, but I am tempted to make him the same philosopher of Almyros that is mentioned in the epic.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fractal Geometry

I became interested once again in fractal art, and even downloaded a program that creates it. Alas, it required knowledge I don't possess. I gave up rather quickly. Here are some pictures created by the Mandelbulb-3d program (not by me, obviously).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rapped in Hindsight

Alone I bear a resemblance
To past mistakes and states of awareness.
Deep inside I cry and still I try
To understand others as I seek
To merely stand myself.
I own material wealth,
Yet fail to insure survival of self
On a scale as universal as eternal me;
In a momentary instant
Where I can no longer confide.
I am emotionally numb inside.
My outward motions bear no semblance
Of emotive function or conscious social awareness.
Employed by me are masters of savagery;
Great constructs of mentality that harness destructive originality.
My progressing thoughts are thought-provokingly forward
In a world where individuality is avoided by the horde,
Obscured from causality and abolished by the norm.
Forever vocal, lacking focal…points
Towards the future, but buried in historical lunacy.
Developmental programs carpmentalizing functionality
Are ushered in as new waves of hostile rationality.
Vile proclivities, shameful wide-sweeping activities.
Solutions hidden beneath quick-fix austerity measures
Of mind, of life and soul;
Corporate overcontrol.
Mid-level madness incorporated
By the mindless, inciting spineless behavior;
No need to sign a waiver.
The fact is it’s a fact of life.
Hidden from sight like there’s nothing to see,
Like the problem’s with me,
Yet those around refuse to look around
And open their eyes.
Don’t stare at the sky,
Don’t look at the ground.
Stare straight ahead
And don’t ignore the sound
As the sound waves
Another hello. Listen to your soul
And emit a higher frequency;
Releasing alluring light energy
In a conscious state.
No need to equilibrate.
Boundless it flows
Into a state of unknown.
That is the response I seek
As I address this class and teach.
The class of a man is the foundation in which he stands,
Which brings a division that lingers in the mortal minds of men.
It makes the man, it breaks the man.
It supersedes original form and function.
Yet men and women do as men and women do,
As if they were wild while caged in a zoo.
Finite institutions of reasoning and rationale
Witness finite failings before infallible infinite absolutes.
Yet many fail to grasp such a grand reality
Existing within a sea of illusionary duality.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Some other things

I have two poems that Yahoo! owns the rights to, and I don't know if I can post them. I haven't received a reply from them, go figure. They are pretty good, so I'll post the links for now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One-way Voyage

Thunder clapping, waves a' snapping,
Oh how I miss that distant shore.
The ship creaks forth from the battering waves.
No one knows what's in store
As the gaping clouds choke the sky.
We maintain our distance
To the approaching isle.
Land ahoy! We cry,
Yet we dare not sail forth.
The rocks that lie low
Would create a fresh hole
In our weathered ship.

We'll turn starboard,
To port we shall sail!
Steer the boat 'round
As the stench of vertigo
Lingers in the air.
We can't dare manage
The impending torrent.

The roaring thunder,
A flash of light;
Flaming skies meet angry waves.
Poseidon's might manifests blind justice
As furious waters fall,
Drenching our ship in cold malice.

A ray of hope still shines hither;
The distant shore a safe haven from storm.
We resist sleep despite our fatigue
To steel ourselves against the impending unknown
That surrounds these seas.

Forward we sail
Against all odds,
Jolly Roger raised high
As rays of morning split the sky.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Celestial Shores

A million light-years away,
I stand at the precipice of creation.
Galaxies cover my body
As a never-ending blanket
Of stars, planets and nebulae.
My space is stellar
And my mind focused
On the swirling black holes
Emanating from my feet.
I am the Isle of my own Design;
I am the Infinite loop,
The Eternal point,
And the point of no return.
I see what I am,
I am what I see,
And nothing could be greater.
All is within my sight
As I look at my palms.
All is within my grasp
As I look further ahead
Across the electrified clouds
At the celestial heavens;
A dream of my Creation.
A created dream of Majesty,
Perfect in its totality
Of Divine nature.
Forever unchanging
In potential untold.
I stand in wonder,
A million light-years away.

Rare Finding

A mug of age, a mug of old,
A coffee mug filled with mold,
Its past owner, stories untold,
But future events will soon unfold,
What I found that day, it was something grand!
In the trash it lay, soon gripped by my hand.
To find such an item that is used by many,
At such a steal, not costing a penny,
Its condition was fair, not a crack in view,
Just filled with dirt and some smelly goo,
While rinsing it and washing it off,
I thought of the time I found my dishcloth.
Reminiscing and thinking of the past,
I probably should stop sifting through trash.
But now the cupboard holds something new,
And with it I drink some Folgers' brew.

The Mystery of Radwell Lake

All who seek it shall meet its gaze,
From the great mire it will spawn.
I could barely see it through the haze,
As I gained aid from the encroaching dawn.
The dreaded monster, from which its green eyes did see;
A muddled curmudgeon corrupt with ever-seeking desire.
Not a shred of piety could starve his need for currency.
It was his incessant greed which made things dire.
And even now, as a chorus of demons proclaim his demise.
A shadowy figure was to sift through the lies.
His death was a mystery, most clearly it was.
But as of now, we have no idea the cause.
All that was left was a note that said:

"To my dear nephew Henry, soon I will be dead.
I fear my time has come, for the beast will have my head.
My greed was great, as you have previously read.
As to the whereabouts of my fortune, it has never been said.
Still, the beast pursues me, behind a shadowy figure.
I'm being stalked, it's bewildering, I have nowhere to linger.
As for whereabouts of my money, I have made sure to keep it safe.
You will find your first clue at the bottom of Radwell lake.
I'm sure my time is soon to come, and the town is bound to be happy,
But I am entrusting my fortune to you dear Henry, and you better make it snappy!"

I keep the letter in my left breast pocket, as I explore this hapless marsh.
It seems I am in great trouble, I pray it is a farce.
A shadow is lurking, and it does not seem pleasant.
Perhaps it is tracking me like a mere pheasant.
In my little rowboat, I may unravel this mystery
Of uncle's murderer and rewrite history.

The Fall

You only live once.
That echoed in my mind as I jumped.
Fear struck me in the heart,
Like an arrow piercing my innards.
Heights are not my strong suit,
And I'm not good at cards.
This is no poker game,
And this is no poker face.
The wind gushes out,
Like a mad geyser
With an over-controlling nature.
I'm falling.
I'm falling.
I can't go back,
I can only go one way,
I can only go down.
No luck of the draw,
This isn't lucky,
It isn't even safe.
You only die once,
But this is a fate worse than death.
I'm frozen, yet, alive.
It's paralyzing,
And I can't take it.
I have my limits you know,
This is crazy.
I would never do such a thing
If circumstances did not demand it.
I swear, I'll never lose another drinking bet.

New Blog, New Me

As we grow, we normally look back to what we previously thought/wrote/said/created/etc, and wonder how we ever did such a thing in the first place. As I looked at this blog after several months, I realized how little it really mattered. I also noticed that I had 12 posts 3 years in a row. I had wanted to create a semi-popular blog, at least among my friends, but I could never fully appreciate what I was writing. Basically it was crap. Maybe not crap to me then, but certainly crap to me now. So I erased it all and am now starting over. This blog is going to mostly reflect my poetic achievements. This will be a blog on creative writing from now on. Whatever poems I manage to create will end up here, unless there is some specific reason I wish to keep them secret. You can post these poems elsewhere as long as you give credit to me by providing the blog link after the poem/post. Most of my writing is already published in Yahoo! Voices, it is copyrighted.

This will also be a place where I share things that other people create. I will always give you credit for your work. Now what is the point of submitting something? Well, for one thing, there will be an online copy of your work. I want this place to be a growing database for creative writing, a site one can visit to gain inspiration. If you want to submit something, just send me an email at What appears on this blog will be shared among others, so if you want to get your work copyrighted, do so with another organization/website before posting. Just make sure the rights are non-exclusive, meaning you can freely publish the content elsewhere. If your work comes from another website, a link will be provided with the blog post.

Since this is a blog dedicated to creativity, other kinds of submissions are also welcomed. If you want to post a picture you created (i.e. from deviantART) or music (i.e. from SoundCloud), that is also fine. Youtube videos are also fine if you created them. Both pictures and music can spark poetic inspiration, so they are welcome. However, it should be work you have actually created. After posting it, you can talk about it in the comments section.